Traditional microbial testing in the laboratory is time-consuming and needs both laboratory equipment and knowledge. The Colifast AS on the other hand offers rapid and simple test procedures that is fully automated. The results will be present within 2 to 16 hours.
No laboratory facilities or minimal skills in microbiology are required to use Colifast instruments.
Bacterial Enzyme Reaction
Coliform bacteria produce specific enzymes (β-D-galactosidase or β-D-glucuronidase), which react with substrates in the Colifast growth medium
Fluorescent Product Formation
The bacterial enzymes hydrolyze the substrate, releasing a fluorescent product called 4-methylumbelliferone (MU). The amount of MU increases as bacterial levels rise.
Fluorescence Measurement
The Colifast instruments measures the fluorescence signal, quantifying the number of bacteria based on MU concentration.
Selective Bacterial Growth
Inhibitors in the growth medium prevent non-coliform bacteria from growing, ensuring accurate detection of target bacteria.