
Instruments for rapid detection of coliform bacteria in water

Colifast® AS has three instruments for rapid detection of fecal contamination in water. One of the systems is a handheld, manual instrument for field testing, the other two are online analysers connected directly to the water source. The online instruments automatically collect a representative water sample, perform a microbiological analysis, and report to the user. The technology is timesaving, cost reducing, and environmentally friendly. Check out our brochure or go to one of our instrument pages below by clicking the picture of corresponding instrument.

Colifast ALARM™

Colifast ALARM™ is an online instrument for detection of indicator bacteria in drinking water, which utilize the patented Colifast technology. Colifast ALARM™ collects a 100 mL water sample at programmed intervals and performs a microbiological analysis for either total coliforms, thermotolerant coliforms or E. coli. The system can detect 1 cfu/100 mL, and results are obtained within 6-15 hours, where upon they are transmitted immediately to the operator by sms, e-mail, PLC/SCADA , or LAN.

Colifast CALM™

Colifast CALM™ is a powerful tool for monitoring raw water, recreational water and environmental water. The automated online system may provide the user with quantitative results for E.coli, total and fecal coliforms and P. aeruginosa. The detection time is from 8-12 hours, and no laboratory facilities or skills in microbiology are required to perform the analysis. The patented Colifast® growth media are supplied in multi well Trays™ and the systems flexibility makes it easy to adapt to different applications. The CALM™ is easily operated by the system computer or via LAN interface and results are transmitted by PLC/SCADA.

Colifast Field Kit™

The Colifast Field Kit™ is a portable and useful tool for field detection of fecal contamination. In only 15 minutes, the instrument can provide the user with an indication of whether an incident has occured. This rapid method is excellent for tracing contamination sources in rivers. Methods for quanititative results or presence/absence tests are also available. The kit contains everything the user needs for performing analysis out in the field.

Colifast FAST Fish Test™

FAST Fish Test™ detects the level of spoilage bacteria in fresh marine fish. The level of bacteria in fresh fish correspond with the remaining shelf life of the fish. The test is easy to use and based on visual reading of result.

Colifast Pseudomonas aeruginosa Test™

The test detects P.aeruginosa in sweet/fresh water and may be combined with Colifast® Instruments. Applcations can be  pool water, Jacuzzis and hot tubs, as P.aeruginosa is known to be resilient and can cause health concerns in bathing water. The test can also be used in bottled water production. In 18 hours a valid absence result, for a volume of 250 ml, is acquired.